AGM 2020 – Secretary's Report

by Sally Hunter

Welcome to the 2020 Annual General Meeting.

As you can see, the start of the evening is the reports from the secretary collective – I’ll give a general overview, Chris, Fixtures Secretary will report on the championship, Kevin, Membership Secretary will give an update on membership and Brian, Treasurer will present the club accounts.

We will then have the election of officers, the presentations, then something to eat and finally the legendary quiz.


It was an interesting year for Whaley and for us: we had high temperatures for the Whaley Waltz causing problems, followed by the record rain falls and the dam incident. Several members had to be evacuated, helped out by friends. One member lost her house. A number of members helped out during the incident, either as part of the rescue teams or as volunteers in the feeding stations. ...  continue reading

AGM 2020 – Reports

Here are the reports on the Championship, Finances, and Membership which were presented at the AGM. The Secretary’s report will be in a separate post as it is quite long 🙂

Championship Report

by Chris Bowen

Main Championship 2019

I am delighted that the number of members taking part in the Main Championship increased in 2019 compared to recent years. 36 people took part in the Lyme Park Park Run in January and February making an excellent start to the year.

16 people did 8 races or more – your best 8 races count. 18 people did a qualifying set of races – ie one of each terrain (fell, trail and road) and one of each distance (short, medium and long) and earned themselves a T-shirt. All except 2 races has 10 or more members taking part and the two that had fewer were the Kinder Trog which is long and quite hard and Newlands Memorial which is in the Lakes and is also quite hard. The Bullock Smithy (56 miles), however, had 10 people taking part which is fantastic. ...  continue reading

The Strider, November 2009

By Pete Fotheringham

In the absence of any new contributions to the Strider, here is an issue from 10 years ago, containing enough reading matter to keep you going for a while. There are some great articles, including Kevin’s article on the 2009 British Hill and Fell Relays – the main lesson being “no matter how quick you are, if you can’t navigate you’re stuffed”. Plenty of familiar names too, in the championship tables – with Brian Holland leading overall – and in the articles Paul Hunt, Kevin Day, and Tracy Vernon who “has only relatively recently started running and has already knocked off her first BSH”. ...  continue reading

The Bob Graham Round. Friday 14th June, 2019

By Colin Allott

If you ever fancy feeling really sick, do the following in this order:

1.     Stay on a sailing boat in Norway in a storm.

2.     Drink lots of rum.

3.     Listen to tales about running the Bob Graham Round.

My long suffering girlfriend, Alex and I were visiting our friend Kath, who had recently supported someone on the final leg of the Bob Graham Round. She poured us all another rum, and explained the challenge: Running over the mountains of the Lake District, covering 66 miles and nearly the height of Everest in total ascent, all within 24 hours. ...  continue reading

Col’s Bob Graham, an account of Leg 1

By Mark Whelan

Friday 14th June 2019 I arrived in Keswick having travelled up with Steve Hennessey who had offered to drive. We’d got a couple of hours to kill, so we had a potter around the many outdoor shops to bag a bargain…there were none!

We’d parked the car at the back of Fitz Park and at 6:00pm I found myself changed in to my running gear and ready to go. At this point I spotted Mick Wren, who along with Ade and me would be supporting Col on his Leg 1 BGR. For those newer GVS members who don’t know Mick, he used to live in Tring, Hertfordshire, but found GVS over 10 years ago when he was bed and breakfasting in Whaley Bridge, whilst commuting into Manchester for work. He now lives in The Lakes and offers self-catering accommodation from his former 17th Century Farmstead at Caldbeck (check out ). ...  continue reading