By Pete Fotheringham
It’s the second Tuesday of the month, around 7pm, the clocks have gone forward, so it must be time for an away run. Twenty-odd Striders are hanging around in the car park of the Robin Hood in Rainow, wondering whether to put on that extra layer, because there is a bit of a nip in that wind.

On the dot of 7:15, we set off. A bit of downhill to start with, through the village, and down the fields to the brook below Kerridge Hill. The haul uphill to the ridge was steep enough to walk wth a clear conscience, unless you are going to be challenging for the club championships, in which case it was an opportunity for hill sprints. The ridge itself was very runnable, up to the trig point for the obligatory nearly-yoga photo, then some lovely downhill back to the Macc road at Kerridge End.

The next 3k of fairly gentle uphill on minor roads, tracks and paths across fields, afforded some great views of a fantastic sunset, which was much more impressive that it looks in the pictures. At the high point near Windyway House, the light was beginning to go, and views of lights going on in Macc, over the Cheshire Plain, and north to Manchester and beyond.

Headtorches on, as we dropped down over fields, across the Cat and Fiddle road, and into the valley of the young River Dane. Another walk uphill in the dark, an impromptu extra lap of a field for the championship contenders, and back onto the Macc road and a final gentle jog to the pub. All twenty or so starters made it back, which is good for the club’s mortality statistics, and most made it into the bar for beverages – alcoholic and otherwise – and cheesy, salty snacks.

All in all, a grand run: not a lot of road, not a lot of walking, some great, fast fields, and plenty of gates and stiles for catching up, getting your breath back, chatting about the wind and the views. Thanks Sal for organising and leading. If you’ve not tried a GVS away run, look out for the next one, probably on Tuesday May 14th, at a venue to be decided. Or if you fancy leading an away way run, please contact Sal. See you there!
Facts, figures and links
Distance: 8.75km / 5.44 mile
Elevation gain: 363m / 1,191 ft
On Relive: